December 17, 2010

Arkham Friday: Mountainous Wilderness

The hills are filled with deadly rock slides, opportunistic scavengers, and crazed hillbillys. The area also contains helpful old prespectors, hedge wizards, and archeologists. Merchant caravans can be assaulted, and saved, along the roadside. Dangerous animals scratch out a living on the hard rock.

This is the mountainous wilderness. If your group of D&D adventurers are true heroes, the typical mundane hazards (that are not intended to be part of the greater story and plot) are trivial. It doesn't make sense to run an encounter of attacking mountain lions when the heroes are accustomed to slaying hideous Far Realm aberrations, dragons, and god-like beings. Instead, spice up your adventures and wilderness exploration with the following chart:

MOUNTAINOUS WILDERNESS – Random Encounter Table (d20)               
1              You come across an old man resting in a rocking chair on his porch. He is sitting very still, and when you shake his shoulder, he wakes up. Gain a Prospector NPC Ally. 
2              Noticing an older gentleman slip on the trail up ahead, you move to catch him. Roll Initiative against a DC equal to 12 + ½ your Level. On a success, he introduces himself and-- seeing something in your eyes-- offers his services. Gain an Archeologist NPC Ally.
3              Picking your way between the dead plants, you come across an old man gathering some strange fungus. He introduces himself and asks if you know “The Art”. If you have the Ritual Caster feat, you gain a Hedge Wizard NPC Ally. If you do not have the Ritual Caster feat, you instead gain a +1 item bonus to Arcana checks.
4              You find a decaying scroll, weighted down with a rock. You gain 1 ritual scroll of your choice of your level or lower.
5              Pausing, you stop to admire the clear blue sky and crisp, mountain air. Gain 1 Healing 
6              You stumble upon an old shack, but it looks like animals got inside and have torn up just about everything. Make a Perception check, Moderate DC by level, to see if you can pick out anything valuable that survived. On a success, gain a number of gold coins equal to 10 times your level squared. On either a success or failure, you are attacked by a wild animal snarling through the debris: + Level + 5 vs. AC; Normal Moderate damage by level.
7              A cowardly kobold is harassing a defenseless merchant on the mountain road. Make a ranged basic attack vs. a defense of 15 + Level. On a hit, you gain the Merchant NPC Ally and a wagon (Adventurer’s Vault, p. 19). On a miss, the traveler is killed and the kobold runs off.
8              Wiping the sweat from your brow, you stop to rest on a rock for awhile. Gain 1 Healing Surge, but take a -10 penalty to your next Initiative roll.
9              You come across some a strange, evil totem fashioned from the bones of some unfortunate person. If you choose to search through its remains, you lose 1 Healing Surge from the horrifying experience, but gain 1 consumable magic item of your level or lower as you find something the creature was carrying when it died.
10           You slowly make your way up the hill, being careful of your footing on the uneven ground. Each time you look up, the pillar of stone at the hill's summit appears to have shifted slightly, and once you think you catch a glimpse of a dark figure. As you reach the summit, you feel the cold, ancient sentience of a forgotten god studying you. Make a Religion check, Moderate DC by level, to gain its approval. On a success, gain 1 ritual scroll of your level or lower with Religion as a key skill. On a failure, the cold embrace of the void envelops you, and you take Normal High cold damage by level.
11           You trip as you climb down a steep incline, and smack up against an ancient stone statue of a benevolent god. Gain a +1 power bonus to your Healing Surge Value until you take your next Extended Rest, but take Normal Low damage by level.
12           You find the remains of a small fire. Among the ashes you find a few scraps of paper that didn't completely burn. If you search the charred remains, make a Saving Throw. On a success, you gain 1 ritual scroll of your level or lower. On a failure, your read a cursed scroll and start the next combat encounter slowed (save ends).
13           Pulling yourself up the cliff, you are bitten by a small, venomous snake. It attacks: + Level +3 vs. Fortitude; Normal low damage and Normal low poison damage by level.
14           In a lonely spot on the cliff side, you are suddenly gripped by a strange, terrifying vertigo. Make a Perception check, Moderate DC by level, or lose 1 Healing Surge from the terrifying ordeal.
15           As you are climbing, a rock falls towards you, and makes an attack: + Level + 5 vs. Armor Class; Normal High damage by level.
16           Harsh, buffeting winds force you to cling to the cliff side in terror, and make an attack: + Level + 3 vs. Fortitude; Normal High damage by level, as you tumble down the rocky terrain.
17           Inching your way across a narrow ledge, you make the mistake of looking down at the dizzying fall below you. Make an Endurance check, Moderate DC by level, or fall down the mountain, taking Normal High damage by level.
18           Rain makes the trail slippery and treacherous. Make an Acrobatics check, Moderate DC by level, to keep your footing. On a failure, you slide down the rocky surface and take Nomal Moderate damage by level.
19           Suddenly, the ground collapses underneath you! Make an Athletics check, Moderate DC by level, to jump clear. On a failure, you take Normal High damage per level.
20           The thin air here makes you feel woozy and you have to sit down. Gain 1 Healing Surge and start your next combat encounter dazed (save ends).

Prospector                                                               NPC Ally
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a prospector.
Armor Class 13 + Level; Fortitude 12 + Level, Reflex 11 + Level, Will 10 + Level
Guarded By Heroes + At-Will                                                
Trigger: The prospector is hit by an attack and you are adjacent to him.
Effect (Imediate Interrupt): You are hit by the attack instead.

Hustle It! + At-Will                                                                   
Minor Action
Effect: You command the prospector to take a move action (Speed 6).
Spelunking Advice + Property                                                   
All allies who can see and hear the prospector gain a +2 item bonus to Dungeoneering checks.
Archeologist                                                                  NPC Ally
HP 1; a missed attack never damages an archeologist.
Armor Class 13 + Level; Fortitude 10 + Level, Reflex 11 + Level, Will 12 + Level
Guarded By Heroes + At-Will                                                    
Trigger: The archeologist is hit by an attack and you are adjacent to him.
Effect Immediate Interrupt): You are hit by the attack instead.

Hustle It! + At-Will                                                                      
Minor Action
Effect: You command the archeologist to take a move action (Speed 6).
Scholarly Advice + Property                                                        
All allies who can see and hear the archeologist gain a +2 item bonus to History checks.
Hedge Wizard                                                                  NPC Ally
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a hedge wizard.
Armor Class 13 + Level; Fortitude 10 + Level, Reflex 11 + Level, Will 12 + Level
Guarded By Heroes + At-Will                                                       
Trigger: The hedge wizard is hit by an attack and you are adjacent to her.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): You are hit by the attack instead.

Hustle It! + At-Will                                                                          
Minor Action
Effect: You command the hedge wizard to take a move action (Speed 6).
Spellcasting Advice + Property                                                       
All allies who can see and hear the hedge gain a +2 item bonus to skill checks used to cast a ritual.

Merchant                                                                             NPC Ally
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a merchant.
Armor Class 13 + Level; Fortitude 11 + Level, Reflex 11 + Level, Will 11 + Level
Guarded By Heroes + At-Will                                                          
Trigger: The merchant is hit by an attack and you are adjacent to her.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): You are hit by the attack instead.

Hustle It! + At-Will                                                                            
Minor Action
Effect: You command the merchant to take a move action (Speed 6).
Haggle Advice + Property                                                                
All allies who can see and hear the merchant gain a +1 item bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks.

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